





  2021-12-24 9:35:22    



   公司(sī)以齒輪泵,螺杆(gǎn)泵為(wéi)主導産品,涉及21個系列,4200多種規格,年生産能力達43000多台(套)。産品(pǐn)行銷油田、化工、電力、船舶、冶金、食品等(děng)各大行業。産品除滿足(zú)國内客商的需求外,部分出口至(zhì)東南亞(yà)、美洲、歐洲(zhōu)等地區。公司在設有30多個分支機構(gòu),并建立了完善(shàn)的營銷服務網絡,擁有一支龐大敬業(yè)的營銷服務(wù)隊伍,可為廣大客戶提供的服(fú)務。 公司以嚴謹的質量體(tǐ)系、先進的生産設備、完善的檢測手段、豐富的制造(zào)經驗(yàn)、務真求實的團隊,來有效保(bǎo)證産品質量。以滿腔真誠期待與國内外各界人士攜手鑄就多方(fāng)共赢的輝煌。Company to "moored far east" brand gear pump, screw pump for the leading product, involves the 21 series, more than 4200 kinds of specifications, annual production capacity of more than 43000 Taiwan (sets).Product marketing oilfield, chemical industry, electric power, shipbuilding, metallurgy, food and other major industry.Products in addition to meet the needs of domestic customers, some exports to southeast Asia, the americas, Europe and other countries and regions.The company has more than 30 branches in major cities throughout the country, and established a perfect marketing service network, has a large professional marketing services team, can provide the high quality service for the customers.Companies with strict quality system, advanced production equipment, perfect detection means, rich manufacturing experience and WuZhen strives for the far east team, to effectively ensure the quality of products.To sincerely look forward to working with people from all walks of life both at home and abroad hand in hand to own a bright multi-win-win situation.



   我公司是一(yī)個生産齒輪油泵和螺杆泵的專業公司。公司擁有各種設備80台,主要設備有:C6140 CW6163C車床24台,TX611C/4镗床2台,M131M7130磨床8台,C125A立車2台(tái),Y318K Y3150E滾齒機6台,E3050X16/1搖臂鑽床2台,E5163立式鑽床2台,B1-400銑床3台,螺(luó)杆泵轉子(zǐ)專用QH2-007銑床1台,半自動螺旋轉子QH2-029B銑床2台,X53K立銑3台,半自動螺旋轉子QH2-031 QH2-032磨(mó)刃機(jī)台。My company is a company specialized in the production of gear oil pump and screw pump.Company has 80 sets of various devices, the main equipment are: C6140 CW6163C24 sets of lathe, TX611C/boring machine 2 units,4 M131M 7130 grinding machine 8 units, C125Aset, 2 sets, Y318K Y3150E hobbing machine 6 units, E3050X16/1 radial drilling machine 2 sets, E5163 vertical drilling machine 2 sets, B1-400 universal milling machine 3 units, screw pump rotor 1 QH2-007 milling machine, semi-automatic screw rotor QH2-029 - b milling machine 2 sets, X53K three vertical milling, semi-automatic screw rotor QH2 QH2-031-031 edge grinding machine is used.

   我公司擁有省計量局(jú)制試驗台1台,自(zì)制試驗台3台,使生産産品從原材料投入到産成品出廠(chǎng)實現了(le)全過程檢(jiǎn)測。産品出廠合格率99.9%,具備較強的綜合配套制(zhì)造能力。理化試驗室、長度計量室(shì)是計量确認合格單位(wèi),使産品從原材料投入到産成品出(chū)廠實(shí)現了全過程檢測(cè)。産品出廠合格率99.9%,具備較強的綜合(hé)配套制造能力,公(gōng)司年可(kě)生産各種泵6000多(duō)台。My company has the province system test bench 1 bureau of standard measurement, homemade test-bed 3 units, production of products from raw materials into finished goods factory implements the whole process of detection.Product factory qualified rate 99.9%, have strong ability of comprehensive manufacturing.Physical and chemical laboratory, length measuring room is the national metrological confirmation unit, make our products from raw materials into finished goods factory implements the whole process of detection.Product factory qualified rate 99.9 %, have strong comprehensive manufacturing capacity, company can produce all kinds of pump in more than 6000 units.



   1.本公司常規産品1-3天發貨,特殊要求或(huò)者需定做的産品發貨時間已與客戶協商為(wéi)準, 2.泵運費方式有(yǒu)兩種:快遞和物流.小泵和小型配件發快遞(dì),其餘體積較大,數量較多,推薦(jiàn)走專線物流貨運,一般南方,中部(bù)地區及沿海地區3-5天左右到達.西部,北部較遠的地(dì)區以及(jí)少數二次中轉地區5-8天左右可(kě)到,具體覆蓋(gài)範圍請咨詢(xún)公司客服人員.安裝使用:請您根據(jù)産品說明書(shū)的(de)步驟進行操作,如有問題,請聯系我公司.為了(le)保護您的利益,我們已經提醒客戶在收到貨物時,要開(kāi)箱驗(yàn)貨,如在打開驗貨時(shí)發現貨物(wù)丢失,損害或者不符,請拒收,您(nín)簽收(shōu)就代表已準确無誤的收到後屋,若(ruò)在簽收貨物之後才(cái)發現貨物丢失或者不符(fú),如不(bú)負責.客戶(hù)收到貨後,産品無法安裝或者規格有誤,本公司提供退貨或者(zhě)換貨服務,退貨或(huò)者換貨的客戶請保證貨物的完好無損,并承擔往返運費.客戶收到後(hòu),如果産品存在質量(liàng)問題,請在(zài)收貨後7天内聯系我(wǒ)公(gōng)司,提供相關質量(liàng)問題圖片,我公司将(jiāng)在及時給您退貨或(huò)者換貨,因為我公司已經在發(fā)貨前已經仔細檢查過,所以過期将不提供此(cǐ)項服務,還請諒(liàng)解.Shipping details:1. Our regular products 1-3 days of delivery, special requests or need to custom-made product delivery time is already negotiate with customer, 2. The pump freight way has two kinds: express and logistics. Small pump and small accessories send express, the rest of the volume is larger, the number is more, recommend special line logistics, freight, generally south, central and coastal area about 3 to 5 days to arrive. In the west, north of remote areas and areas inhabited by minority secondary transit, about five to eight days to specific coverage please consulting company customer service staff. Install and use, please according to the product manual steps, if any problem, please contact our company, we advise you that we will be the most professional and technical personnel to provide service for you. In order to protect your interests, when we have to remind the customer receive the goods, unpacking inspection, such as when open the inspection found that the goods lost, damage or discrepancy, please refuse to sign after receiving STH, you sign after receiving STH means have accurate received after the house, if after receipt of goods found the goods didn\'t agree lost or, if not responsible. Customers after receiving the goods, the product can\'t install or specification is wrong, the company provides the return or exchange service, return or exchange the customers please make sure that the goods are intact, and bear the freight back and forth. The receipt of the customer, if the product quality problems, please contact me within 7 days after receiving the company, provide relevant quality problem photos, our company will give you a refund or a replacement in the first time, because I already have carefully checked before shipment, so late will not provide this service, also please understand.


●SN三螺杆泵特(tè)點:SN three screw pump features:

  1.轉子液壓平衡,振動小,噪音低。1. The rotor of the hydraulic balance, little vibration, low noise.

  2.輸出穩定,無脈動。2. The output is stable, no pulsation.

  3.效率高。3. High efficiency.

  4.具(jù)有很強的自吸(xī)能力。4. Has a strong self-priming capacity.

  5.零部件采用通(tōng)用性(xìng)強的系列化設計,具有多種安裝方式。5. Parts versatility of seriation design, with a variety of installation.

  6.結構緊湊,體積小,重量(liàng)輕,可在較高轉(zhuǎn)速下工作。6. Compact structure, small volume, light weight, can work under high rotation speed.


●SN三螺杆(gǎn)泵輸送介質種類:Low SN three screw pump transmission medium type:

 a.潤滑性液體:如機械油,滑油(yóu),重油,渣油A. lubricate liquid, such as machine oil, lubricating oil, heavy oil, residual oil

 b.低(dī)潤滑性液體:如輕柴油,重柴(chái)油,含蠟(là)稀油B. lower lubricity liquid, such as light diesel oil, heavy diesel oil, wax containing thin oil

 c.粘性液體:如各種合成橡膠液(yè)和人造膠液,乳化(huà)液C. viscous liquid, such as various kinds of synthetic rubber and synthetic rubber, emulsion


●SN三螺(luó)杆泵應(yīng)用:Low SN three screw pump application:

 ·在供熱設(shè)備中用做燃(rán)油,燃油供應和輸(shū)送泵。In heating equipment used as fuel, fuel supply and transfer pump.

 ·在機械(xiè)工業中(zhōng)用做液壓,潤滑和搖(yáo)控馬達泵。In the mechanical industry used as hydraulic, lubrication pump and the remote control motors.

 ·在化學石油化工和(hé)食品工業中用做裝載,輸送和(hé)供(gòng)液泵。In the chemical, petrochemical and food industries used as loading, transportation and feed liquid pump.

 ·在(zài)船舶上用(yòng)做輸送、增壓、燃油噴射和潤滑油泵以及船用液壓裝置泵。On the ship, used for conveying, pressurization, fuel injection, and lubricating oil pump and Marine hydraulic gear pump.



 一, 确定泵的轉速(sù):(SN系列螺杆泵的極限(xiàn)轉速為<6000r.p.m)Determine the speed of the pump: (SN series screw pump limit speed for < 6000 r. p.)

  1.螺杆泵轉(zhuǎn)速的選擇以輸送介質的粘度和泵的規(guī)格确定轉速範圍,一般輸送高粘度介質時,螺杆泵應選低轉速;若粘度低 ,相應選擇(zé)高轉速(sù)。



  介質粘度γ>20°E時,轉(zhuǎn)速以970rpm或720rpm的螺杆泵。Medium viscosity gamma > 20°E, screw pump speed to 970 RPM and 720 RPM.

  若(ruò)γ>80°E如粘(zhān)膠液,轉速可選(xuǎn)n=200~500rpm的螺杆泵(bèng)If gamma > 80°E, such as viscose, of optional n = 200 ~ 500 RPM of the screw pump

  對于小規格的(de)螺杆泵(主杆外徑(jìng)∮60mm以下):For small specifications of the screw pump (below 30 main stem diameter of60 mm ) :

  γ>20°E時,n選1450rpm或970rpm的螺杆泵. Gamma > 20°E, n selected 1450 RPM and 970 RPM of screw pump.

  γ>80°E時,n選300~600rpm的螺杆泵。Gamma > 80°E, n selected 300 ~ 600 RPM of the screw pump.


  2.由于螺杆泵的轉速愈高摩(mó)擦(cā)功率愈高,螺杆(gǎn)泵的磨損越大,壽命越短,如果輸送(sòng)介質的潤滑性較差,或含有微量雜(zá)質,應選較低轉(zhuǎn)速(sù),使泵保持較長的(de)使用壽命。推薦n<1450rpm。Friction due to the higher the rotational speed of screw pump power, the higher the wear and tear of screw pump, the greater the shorter life, if the medium of lubricity is poorer, or trace impurities, should choose a lower speed, to keep pump with long service life.The recommended n < 1450 RPM.

二, 結構形式的選擇The choice of the form of structure

  結構的選擇可(kě)根據螺杆(gǎn)泵的運(yùn)行環境和安裝環(huán)境,選(xuǎn)擇合适的安裝形式并遵循以(yǐ)下的原則:On the choice of structure based on the operating conditions of a screw pump and the installation environment, choosing the appropriate type of installation and follow the following principles:

  1. 輸送潤滑性油類,且溫度T<80℃時,選擇内置軸承結構的(de)螺杆泵。1. Conveyor lubrication oil, and temperature T<80 ℃ , choose built-in bearing structure of the screw pump.< pan>

  2. 輸送潤滑性較差,或溫度T>80℃時,選擇外置軸承結構(gòu)的螺(luó)杆泵。2. The conveyor lubrication is poorer, or temperature T >80℃ , select external bearing structure of the screw pump.

  3. 輸送流動性差,粘度高的介質或對所輸送介質進行加熱或保溫時,選雙層加熱泵體結構(gòu)的螺杆泵。3. Conveyor illiquid, high viscosity of the medium or the transport medium for heating or thermal insulation, choose double screw pump heat pump body structure.

  4. 輸送高溫介質(zhì)時,應選擇耐高溫的材料制成的泵或局(jú)部冷卻的螺(luó)杆泵。4. High temperature medium, high temperature resistant materials should be selected for the pump or cooling screw pump.


  5. 關于螺杆泵的吸入能力可查閱(yuè)樣(yàng)本。5. About the screw pump suction capacity can refer to the ples.

  第(dì)三, 螺杆泵材料組合的選擇 見上(shàng)表Third, the choice of the screw pump material combination See the table above

  第四, 螺(luó)杆泵的吸上能力Fourth, the screw pump suction on ability

  通(tōng)過降低轉(zhuǎn)速或加熱降低介質(zhì)黏度的方法,可達(dá)到高的吸上性能,見NPSHR表By reducing the speed or heating medium viscosity reduction methods, can achieve high on absorption performance, see the NPSHR table

  第五(wǔ),配套電機的選配Fifth, motor selection

  螺杆泵的型号(hào)選定後,根據樣本(běn)數據,可查到泵的軸功率N,該軸功率再加上一定(dìng)的(de)功率儲備後,作(zuò)為選配電機的依據,一般電機(jī)功(gōng)率Nm不小于泵軸功率(lǜ)N乘以功率儲備系數K所得的值即:Nm≥K·N。K值Screw pump model is selected, according to the ple data, the pump shaft power can be N, the shaft power plus the power of a certain reserve, as a basis for the matching machine, general motors power Nm not less than the pump shaft power N times the power reserve coefficient K of the proceeds of the value, namely: the Nm acuity k. N.K value


  三螺杆泵能夠在不同(tóng)的行業中(zhōng)使用,在其中能夠(gòu)發揮重要的作用和性能,在行業中能夠充分展現良(liáng)好的性能(néng)優勢,在(zài)産業性能中(zhōng)發揮重要的作用和貢獻。下面(miàn)從特點.困油及措(cuò)施(shī)不(bú)平衡等(děng)方面向大家介(jiè)紹一下三螺杆泵(3GR三螺杆泵,SNH三螺杆泵). Three screw pump can be used in different industries, in which can play an important role and performance, can fully show the good performance advantages in the industry, play an important role in industry performance and contribution.From below. Trapped oil and measures unbalance introduce three screw pump (3 gr three screw pump, three screw pump SNH).




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