




  2021-8-28 10:06:56    











 kcb齒輪泵安裝: KCB gear pump installation:


  1、泵安裝前應檢查泵(bèng)和電機在運輸過程中是(shì)否受到損壞,如電機是否(fǒu)受潮,泵的(de)進(jìn)出口防(fáng)塵蓋是否損壞(huài)而使污物進入泵腔(qiāng)内等。1, before the pump installation, should check the pump and motor is damaged during the transit, whether be affected with damp be affected with damp such as motor, pump the import and export of dust cover for damage and make the dirt into the pump chamber, etc.


  2、泵在搬運過程中,應(yīng)選擇合适起吊位置,減少泵的變形(xíng)。2, pump in the process of handling, should choose appropriate lifting position, reduce the deformation of the pump.


  3、泵的底座應固定在牢固的基礎上(shàng),以免(miǎn)産生振動影響泵的正常(cháng)工作。3, the base of the pump should be fixed on the basis of the strong, so as to avoid vibration influence the normal work of the pump.


  4、泵的進出口管路應清理幹淨不得存有硬顆粒的(de)報告雜物(wù)。4, import and export of pipeline of pump should be cleaned up shall not have the report of hard particles sundry.


  5、管路口徑一般不小(xiǎo)于泵的進出口徑,進油(yóu)管路應盡量短,并減少(shǎo)彎路。必要時在進油(yóu)口(kǒu)安裝金屬過濾(lǜ)器,過濾器的有(yǒu)效(xiào)面積(jī)不應小于管道(dào)過流面積的三(sān)倍。5, pipe diameter is generally not less than the in and out of the caliber of pump, the oil pipeline should be short, as far as possible and less detours.When necessary, metal filter is installed on oil inlet filter effective area should not be less than three times of pipe flow area.



6, when installation, must not use the pump to bear the weight of the line.7, turn the coupling with the hand, the pump should be flexible rotation, can not have too tight or weight uneven phenomenon, should immediately ruled out.

  kcb齒輪泵的開機: KCB gear pump of the boot:

  1、開機前應檢查泵軸(zhóu)轉動是否靈活,有無卡(kǎ)阻現象(xiàng),進出口管道上的(de)閥(fá)門是否開啟,泵的轉動方(fāng)向是否正确。1, should check whether the pump shaft rotation is flexible, before starting the presence of jam phenomenon, import and export pipeline valve is open, the pump rotation direction is correct.

  2、長時間沒有使用的泵開機前應向泵腔中注入一定量的潤滑液,以減少泵在(zài)吸油過程(chéng)中的幹摩擦,并可提高泵(bèng)的自吸性能。2, long time no use the pump to the pump before starting the cavity inject a certain amount of lubricant to reduce the pump in the dry friction in the process of oil absorption, and can improve the self-priming performance of pump.

  3、開機後如有不正常的噪音(yīn)或過熱現象,應立即(jí)停車檢查。3, after the boot if there is any abnormal noise or overheating phenomenon, should immediately stop check.

  4、檢查泵軸端有無洩漏現(xiàn)象,如:對填料(liào)密封應适當(dāng)調緊壓緊蓋,其它密封則(zé)應(yīng)拆機檢查;4, check whether there is any leakage on the pump shaft end phenomenon, such as: the packing should be properly tighten clamp cover, other sealing should teardown check;

  5、若輸送熱油,在開機時應均勻預熱,預熱是利用被輸(shū)送的介質不斷通過泵體進行的。預熱标準:吸入口的油溫(wēn)不(bú)得高于泵體溫度40,預熱的(de)升溫速度控制(zhì)在<40/h,在預熱時應将固定泵(bèng)體的螺栓松開,預熱完畢(bì),将其擰緊。在預熱過程中,應注意觀察泵的運行情(qíng)況,以但發生不良情(qíng)況,應立即(jí)停泵檢查。5, if conveying hot oil, the boot should be uniform preheating, preheating is to use the media constantly through the pump body to be delivered.Preheat standard: the inlet oil temperature shall not be higher than the pump body temperature 40, the preheating temperature speed control in the < 40/ h, when the preheating bolts should be fixed pump body loosen, preheating and tighten it.Should be paid attention to in the process of preheating, observe the running situation of the pump, with adverse event, however, should immediately stop check pump.


  6、泵停機後,首先切斷電源,然後關閉進出(chū)口管道上(shàng)的閥門,避免造成(chéng)泵倒轉。After six, pump stop, cut off power supply first, then close the import and export pipeline valve, avoid to cause back pump.


  7、泵經過長期使用,壓力流(liú)量有明顯下降時,應拆泵檢查,更換其己(jǐ)磨損的零件。  KCB性能表.jpg


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