輸送燃油泵 200CYZ-63柴油自吸泵 泵(bèng)配90kw-4電機銅葉輪口徑200流量280立方
我公司是一個(gè)生産齒輪油泵(bèng)和螺杆泵的專(zhuān)業公司。公司擁有各種設備(bèi)80台,主要設備有:C6140 CW6163C車床24台,TX611C/4镗床2台,M131M7130磨(mó)床8台,C125A立車2台,Y318K Y3150E滾齒機6台,E3050X16/1搖臂鑽床2台,E5163立式鑽床2台,B1-400萬(wàn)能銑床3台,螺杆泵轉(zhuǎn)子專(zhuān)用QH2-007銑床1台,半(bàn)自動螺旋轉(zhuǎn)子QH2-029B銑床2台,X53K立銑3台,半(bàn)自動螺旋轉子QH2-031 QH2-032磨刃(rèn)機台。My company is a company specialized in the production of gear oil pump and screw pump.Company has 80 sets of various devices, the main equipment are: C6140 CW6163C 24 sets of lathe, TX611C/boring machine 2 units, 4 M131M7130 grinding machine 8 units, C125A set, 2 sets, Y318K Y3150E hobbing machine 6 units, E3050X16/1 radial drilling machine 2 sets, E5163 vertical drilling machine 2 sets, B1-400 universal milling machine 3 units, screw pump rotor 1 QH2-007 milling machine, semi-automatic screw rotor QH2-029 - b milling machine 2 sets, X53K three vertical milling, semi-automatic screw rotor QH2 QH2-031-031 edge grinding machine is used.
我公司(sī)擁(yōng)有省計量(liàng)局制試驗台1台,自制(zhì)試驗台3台,使生産産品從原(yuán)材料投入到産成品出廠實現了全過程檢測。産品出廠合(hé)格率100%,具備較強(qiáng)的綜合配(pèi)套制造能力。理化試驗室、長度計量室是國家計量确認合格單位,使産品從原材(cái)料投入到産成品出廠實現(xiàn)了全(quán)過程檢(jiǎn)測。産品出廠合(hé)格率100%,具備較強的綜(zōng)合配套制造能力,公司年可生産各(gè)種泵6000多台。My company has the province system test bench 1 bureau of standard measurement, homemade test-bed 3 units, production of products from raw materials into finished goods factory implements the whole process of detection.Product factory qualified rate 100%, have strong ability of comprehensive manufacturing.Physical and chemical laboratory, length measuring room is the national metrological confirmation unit, make our products from raw materials into finished goods factory implements the whole process of detection.Product factory qualified rate 100%, have strong comprehensive manufacturing capacity, company can produce all kinds of pump in more than 6000 units.
1.本公司常規産品(pǐn)1-3天發貨,特殊要求或者需定做的産(chǎn)品發貨時間已與(yǔ)客戶協商為(wéi)準(zhǔn), 2.泵運(yùn)費方式有兩種:快遞和(hé)物流.小泵(bèng)和小型配件發快遞,其餘體積較大,數量較多,推薦走專線物流(liú)貨運,一般(bān)南方,中(zhōng)部地區及沿海地區3-5天左右到達.西部(bù),北部(bù)較遠(yuǎn)的地區以及少數二次中轉地區5-8天左右可(kě)到,具體覆蓋範圍請咨詢公司客服人員.安裝使用:請(qǐng)您根據産品說明書的步驟進(jìn)行操作,如(rú)有問題,請聯系我公(gōng)司.為了保護您(nín)的利(lì)益,我們已經提(tí)醒客戶在(zài)收到(dào)貨物(wù)時,要開箱驗貨,如在打開驗貨時發現貨物丢失,損害或者不符,請拒絕簽收,您(nín)簽收(shōu)就(jiù)代表已準确無誤的收到後屋,若在簽收貨物之後才發現貨物(wù)丢失或者不符,如不負責.客(kè)戶收到貨(huò)後(hòu),産品無法安裝或者規格有誤,本公司提供退貨或者換貨(huò)服務,退貨或者(zhě)換貨(huò)的客戶請保證貨物的完好無損,并承擔往返(fǎn)運費.客戶收到後,如果産品存在質量問(wèn)題,請在收貨後(hòu)7天内聯系我公司,提供相關質(zhì)量問題圖片,我公司将在第一時間給您退貨或者(zhě)換貨,因為我公司已經(jīng)在發貨前已經仔(zǎi)細檢(jiǎn)查過,所以過期将不提供此項(xiàng)服(fú)務,還請諒解.Shipping details:1. Our regular products 1-3 days of delivery, special requests or need to custom-made product delivery time is already negotiate with customer, 2. The pump freight way has two kinds: express and logistics. Small pump and small accessories send express, the rest of the volume is larger, the number is more, recommend special line logistics, freight, generally south, central and coastal area about 3 to 5 days to arrive. In the west, north of remote areas and areas inhabited by minority secondary transit, about five to eight days to specific coverage please consulting company customer service staff. Install and use, please according to the product manual steps, if any problem, please contact our company, we advise you that we will be the most professional and technical personnel to provide service for you. In order to protect your interests, when we have to remind the customer receive the goods, unpacking inspection, such as when open the inspection found that the goods lost, damage or discrepancy, please refuse to sign after receiving STH, you sign after receiving STH means have accurate received after the house, if after receipt of goods found the goods didn\'t agree lost or, if not responsible. Customers after receiving the goods, the product can\'t install or specification is wrong, the company provides the return or exchange service, return or exchange the customers please make sure that the goods are intact, and bear the freight back and forth. The receipt of the customer, if the product quality problems, please contact me within 7 days after receiving the company, provide relevant quality problem photos, our company will give you a refund or a replacement in the first time, because I already have carefully checked before shipment, so late will not provide this service, also please understand.
自吸泵大部分與内燃機配(pèi)套,裝在可移動的(de)小車上,宜于野外作(zuò)業。Self-g pump self-g height, and before the impeller seal clearance, the revolutions of the pump, separation chamber level and other factors.Before the impeller seal gap is smaller, the greater the self-g height, general take 0.3 ~ 0.5 mm;Increase in clearance, in addition to the self-g height decreased, pump lift and efficiency are reduced.The self-g pump
1 啟動前的準備(bèi)及檢查事項1 to start preparing and check the item before
1.1 檢(jiǎn)查軸承體油腔中潤滑油是否已達到規定要求,潤滑油的油位應保持(chí)在機油尺的兩刻線之間或(huò)油标中(zhōng)線位置,不得過多或不足.1.1 check whether oil bearing body cavity, the lubricating oil has reached the specified requirements, the lubricating oil in the oil level should be kept in the oil foot or oil standard midline position between two scribed line, not too much or not.
1.2 檢查泵體内的儲液是否高于(yú)葉輪邊緣.如若不足,可以從泵體上的加液口直接向(xiàng)泵體内(nèi)注入儲液,不應(yīng)在儲液不足的情況下啟動運轉,否則泵體不能正常工(gōng)作,且易損(sǔn)壞機械密封.1.2 check reservoir is higher than that of the impeller in the pump body. If not, can add liquid mouth from the pump body directly to the pump body into the reservoir, the defects in the reservoir should not start operation, under the condition of pump body can not work normally, and easy to damage the mechanical seal.
1.3 檢查(chá)泵轉動部件是否(fǒu)有卡住磕碰現(xiàn)象(xiàng).1.3 check the pump rotating components for stuck knock against.
1.4 檢查泵體底腳及各連接處有無松動現象.1.4 check the pump body foot and joint have loose phenomenon.
1.5 檢查泵軸與原動機主軸的同軸度與平衡度(dù).1.5 check the pump shaft and prime mover of main shaft alignment and balance.
1.6 檢查進口管路是否漏氣1.6 check whether import pipeline leak
1.7 打開吸入管道的閥門(注意不要全開)1.7 open the suction piping valves (be careful not to open)
2 啟動及操作2 start-up and operation
2.1 啟動(dòng)油泵,注意泵軸(zhóu)的轉向是否正确2.1 start the oil pump, pay attention to the steering pump shaft is correct
2.2 注意轉動時(shí)有無異常噪音和振動(dòng)2.2 notice there is no abnormal noise and vibration
2.3 注意真空表讀數,啟動後當壓力表及真空表的讀數經過一段時間的波動而時針(zhēn)穩定(dìng)後,說(shuō)明泵内已經(jīng)上液,油(yóu)泵竟如正常工作狀體.2.3 pay attention to the vacuum meter reading, starts when the pressure gauge and vacuum gauge readings over a period of time after hour due to the variation of stable, explain within the pump has been on fluid, oil pump body become like a normal job.
2.4 在泵進(jìn)入正常輸油作(zuò)業前,應特别注(zhù)意泵内油溫升高情況,如果這(zhè)個過程長(zhǎng),泵内油溫過高,則應(yīng)停泵檢查原因.2.4 before the pump into the normal oil operation, should pay special attention to pump the high oil temperature rise, if the process is long, inside the pump oil temperature is too high, you should stop the pump to check.
2.5 如果泵内溫度(dù)過高而引起自吸困難.可暫時(shí)停機(jī),利用出口管路中的液體倒(dǎo)流或直接向泵内補充液體(tǐ),使泵内液體降溫,即可啟動.2.5 if the high temperature caused by self pump difficult. Can temporarily stop, using the export pipeline fluid replacement in the liquid backflow or directly to the pump, cooling the liquid in the pump, can be started.
2.6 泵在工(gōng)作過程中因故停(tíng)泵,需在啟動時,把出口控制閥稍開.這樣既有利于自吸過程中其他(tā)從吐出口排出,又能保證泵在較輕(qīng)的負荷下啟動.2.6 pump in the process of work for pump stopped, at startup, the export control valve slightly open. This is beneficial to both other exported from spitting out during the process of imbibition, and can guarantee the pump starts under a lighter load.
2.7 泵(bèng)每工作15-20小時或每次使用前應檢查并及時補充一次(cì)10号機械油.2.7 pump every 15 to 20 hours or every time before the use should check and added a number 10 machine oil in time.
3 停車
3.1 關閉吐出(chū)管路上的閘閥
3.2 使泵停止轉動
4 易損件的(de)維護
4.1 滾動軸承:當油(yóu)泵長期運動後,油泵(bèng)磨損到一定程度必須更換(huàn)
4.2 前後密(mì)封環:當密封環磨(mó)損到一(yī)定程度時(shí),須進行更換
4.3 機械(xiè)密封(fēng):在不漏油的情況下,一般不應拆開檢查,若軸承(chéng)體下端洩漏口處産生嚴重洩露時,則應(yīng)對機械密封進行拆檢.裝拆機械密封時,必須輕取輕放,注意(yì)配合面的清潔,不好好(hǎo)動、靜環表面的光(guāng)潔度(dù),嚴禁敲擊碰撞。
自吸離心(xīn)泵的過流部件(jiàn) Self-g centrifugal pump flow components
自吸離心泵的過流(liú)部件有:吸入室,葉輪,壓出室三個部(bù)分。葉輪室是(shì)泵的核心,也是流部件(jiàn)的核心。泵通過葉輪對液體的作功(gōng),使其能量增加。葉輪按液(yè)體流出的方向(xiàng)分為(wéi)三類: Self-g centrifugal pump flow components are: suction chamber, impeller, the pressure out of the room three parts.Room is the core of the pump impeller, and also the core of the flow components.Of liquid through the impeller pump work, allow it to increase energy.According to the direction of liquid flow impeller is divided into three categories:
(1)徑流式葉輪(離心式葉輪)液(yè)體是沿着與軸線垂直的方(fāng)向流出葉輪。 (2)斜流(liú)式葉輪(混流式葉(yè)輪)液(yè)體是沿着軸線傾斜的方向流出葉輪。 (3)軸流式葉輪液體流動(dòng)的方向與軸線平行的。
(1) 單吸(xī)葉輪(即葉輪(lún)從一側吸入液體)。 (2) 雙吸葉輪(lún)(即葉輪從(cóng)兩側吸入液體)。
葉輪(lún)按蓋(gài)闆形式分為三類: (1) 封(fēng)閉式(shì)葉輪。 (2) 敞開(kāi)式葉輪。 (3) 半開式葉輪(lún)
According to the classification of the impeller impeller suction way is divided into two categories:
(1) single suction impeller (i.e., from one side suction impeller liquid).(i.e., (2) double suction impeller impeller from either side suction liquid).
Impeller press flat form is divided into three categories: (1) closed impeller.(2) open type impeller.(3) half open impeller
●特點: CYZ自吸泵屬自吸(xī)式離心泵系列。具有結構簡單、操作維護方便、運(yùn)行平穩、排量大、效率高、便于調節,有較強的自吸能力,适(shì)用範圍(wéi)廣等特點。
●用途: CYZ自吸(xī)泵用來輸送汽油(yóu)、煤油、柴油、航空煤(méi)油等石油(yóu)産品。介(jiè)質溫(wēn)度在-20℃~+80℃,是(shì)一種優良的船用裝(zhuāng)卸油泵,可兼作掃(sǎo)艙水泵。并适用于陸地油庫、油罐車等儲油裝置的油料輸送。也可以用來輸送海水、淡水等。
●結構型式: CYZ自(zì)吸泵(bèng)采用軸同(tóng)回液的泵體結構,泵體由吸入室、儲(chǔ)液室(shì)、渦旋室、回液(yè)孔、氣液分離(lí)室等組成。泵的軸承采用單列向心球軸承。在一些泵的軸承(chéng)體底部設有冷卻室。泵内部高、低壓區間有密(mì)封環。軸端采用機械密(mì)封(fēng)。
山東西水橡膠集團(tuán)有限公司 | 40CYZ-20自吸油泵 |
紅(hóng)太陽集團有限公司(sī) | 40CYZ-40自吸油泵 |
山東華星石油化工集團有限公司(sī) | 50CYZ-12自吸油泵(bèng) |
山東玉皇(huáng)化工有限公司 | 50CYZ-20自吸(xī)油泵 |
西洋集團 | 50CYZ-32自(zì)吸油泵 |
東辰控股集團有限公司 | 50CYZ-50自吸油泵 |
沈陽化工集團有限公司 | 50CYZ-60自(zì)吸油泵 |
大慶(qìng)中藍石化有限公司 | 80CYZ-13自吸(xī)油泵 |
固鉑成山(山東)輪胎有限公司 | 80CYZ-17自吸油泵 |
山東興源輪胎(tāi)集團有限公司 | 80CYZ-25自吸油泵 |
中海石油化學股份有限公司 | 80CYZ-32自吸油泵(bèng) |
四川龍集團有限責(zé)任公司 | 80CYZ-55自吸油泵 |
廣東華潤塗料有限公司 | 80CYZ-70自吸油泵(bèng) |
雲南南磷集團股份有限公司 | 100CYZ-40自吸油泵 |
山東海科(kē)化工集團有限公司 | 100CYZ-75自(zì)吸油泵 |
浙江昱輝陽光能源(yuán)有限公(gōng)司 | 150CYZ-55自吸油泵 |
貴州開磷(集團)有限責任公司 | 150CYZ-65自吸油泵 |